Wednesday, June 16, 2010

From the Greeks, Romans, and to the Native Americans the sport of football (soccer)or similar forms of it has been played for nearly two thousand years. American colonists in the 1620's were the first to create official rules and regulation for the game and integrated the sport into college athletics. Whether football originated in America or Greece it does not matter, what matters is the popularity, fame, and following that football has created for itself.

The odd fact about football is that the sport is seen differently around the world. In Europe it is seen as a way of life, in South America it's an avenue to fame and riches, and in North America it's seen as a social get together for mothers while watching their children play. football has always had a mystique about it that all other sports do not. This sport has the ability to elate a whole country and deflate the hopes for another in one single kick by a player. It is a shame that some countries still see this beautiful game just as a mere pass time.

Rather than trying to convince readers that football is the best sport in the world, I want to focus on one fan base, Football firms of England. England is considered the birthplace of present day football and has the fans to prove it. This blog will examine many aspects of fans ranging from their methods of support for their teams all the way to their morals that they all take very seriously. I intend this blog not only to be entertaining but very informative as well playing to the fact that not many people know much about football firms to begin with.


About the USA>Sports>Soccer. (n.d.). About the USA . Retrieved June 16, 2010, from

article, r. t., & you'll. (n.d.). History of Soccer. Soccer Fans Info. Retrieved June 16, 2010, from

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